
【アグレコジャパン】東日本大震災の教訓を未来へ繋げる ~ 最新の災害対策と持続可能なエネルギー供給を開始

リリース発行企業:Aggreko Japan株式会社


(English Follows)


日本を襲った2011年3月11日の東日本大震災。福島第一原子力発電所の事故と複数の火力発電所の被災により、東京電力管内の電力供給は深刻な危機に陥りました。震災前と比べ供給力は約4割まで落ち込み、日本全体が前例のない電力不足に直面しました。この状況を打破するため、東京電力は迅速に供給力を確保する方策を検討し、「緊急設置電源」 の導入を決定しました。これは、短期間での設置が可能なガスタービン発電機やディーゼル発電機を活用し、必要な電力を確保するための緊急措置です。
このプロジェクトに、アグレコ(Aggreko) は大きく貢献しました。アグレコは日本国内の深刻な電力不足に対応するため、大量の発電機と技術支援を迅速に提供しました。発電機やガスタービンの輸送にはアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)やシンガポールからの供給も活用され、国内外のメーカーや技術者が連携し、102台もの設備を約2カ月という驚異的なスピードで設置しました。これにより、短期間で発電設備の設置が可能となり、電力供給不足を大きく緩和することができました。現在もアグレコは、日本国内外のエネルギー供給の課題に向き合い続けています。特に、再生可能エネルギーや持続可能な電力ソリューションの開発に力を入れ、未来のエネルギー供給の形を築くことに取り組んでいます。
この取り組みは、電気事業連合会 が発行する『Enelog Vol.1』(2011年)の表紙にも掲載されました。詳細は以下のリンクをご覧ください。
- 最新鋭のバッテリーエネルギー貯蔵システム(BESS)の導入再生可能エネルギーの普及を支援し、災害時における電力供給の安定性を高めるため、BESS(Battery Energy Storage System)の国内展開を強化。特に、災害時のバックアップ電源としての活用を進めています。

- 最新技術を活用したモバイル電源ソリューションの提供従来のディーゼル発電機に加え、環境負荷の低いハイブリッド発電システムを開発。これにより、CO2排出量の削減と長時間稼働を実現し、被災地支援においてより持続可能な電力供給を可能にします。

- 防災・減災を目的とした自治体・企業との連携強化日本全国の自治体および企業と連携し、災害時の電力供給計画を策定。最新のエネルギー技術を活用した防災訓練を実施することで、緊急時の迅速な対応力を高めています。


アグレコジャパン(Aggreko Japan株式会社)
代表 加藤慎章
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内1丁目6番5号 丸の内北口ビル9階

English Follows
[Aggreko Japan] Connecting the Lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the Future - Launching the Latest Disaster Preparedness Measures and Sustainable Energy Supply
Strengthen disaster prevention and mitigation measures to enable faster and more stable power supply in the event of a disaster.

Aggreko's Emergency Power Generators

Never Forgetting That Day
Aggreko, the world's largest provider of emergency power solutions, is announcing a new disaster response energy supply project on the 14th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake. This project aims to strengthen Japan's disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts by ensuring a more rapid and stable power supply in times of crisis. The goal is to provide people facing hardships due to disasters with a sense of security and stability in their daily lives.
Aggreko’s Contribution
Aggreko played a crucial role in this initiative. To help Japan combat the severe power shortage, Aggreko swiftly provided a large number of generators and technical support. The company leveraged its supply networks in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Singapore, collaborating with both domestic and international manufacturers and engineers. As a result, an astounding 102 units of power generation equipment were installed within just two months.
This rapid deployment significantly alleviated the power supply shortage, demonstrating Aggreko's commitment to addressing energy supply challenges both in Japan and around the world. Today, Aggreko continues to focus on the development of renewable energy and sustainable power solutions, striving to shape the future of energy supply.
Challenges in Securing Power Supply
With the collaboration of domestic and international technologies and expertise, emergency power stations were swiftly deployed to support Japan's energy infrastructure. Approximately 1.7 million kW of emergency power capacity was installed within a short period, helping to stabilize power supply. This rapid response played a crucial role in preventing power shortages during peak summer demand, making a significant contribution to ensuring energy security. For further details, please visit the following link:
Featured on the Cover of "Enelog" by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
This initiative was featured on the cover of Enelog Vol.1 (2011), a publication by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan. For more details, please visit:
Overview of the Disaster Response Energy Supply Project
The key aspects of this project include:
- Deployment of Cutting-Edge Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS)
To support the adoption of renewable energy and enhance power supply stability during disasters, Aggreko is expanding its domestic deployment of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), particularly as backup power sources in times of emergency.

- Providing Mobile Power Solutions with the Latest Technology
In addition to traditional diesel generators, Aggreko is developing hybrid power systems with lower environmental impact. These systems reduce CO2 emissions while ensuring long-duration operation, enabling more sustainable power supply solutions for disaster relief efforts.

- Strengthening Partnerships with Municipalities and Businesses for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation
Aggreko is collaborating with municipalities and businesses across Japan to develop emergency power supply plans. By conducting disaster preparedness training utilizing the latest energy technologies, Aggreko aims to enhance rapid response capabilities during emergencies.

Aggreko Japan is committed to leveraging its experience and expertise to strengthen Japan's disaster preparedness and sustainable energy supply. Moving forward, the company will continue working closely with municipalities, businesses, and local communities to build a more resilient energy infrastructure.
ABOUT Aggreko
Aggreko is the global leader in providing energy solutions that help businesses grow and communities thrive.Operating in a rapidly changing energy market where reliable supplies of energy have never been more critical, we provide customers with power and temperature control solutions when, where and for however long they need it. Using the latest technologies, we combine our innovative thinking with our sector knowledge to help our customers achieve their goals, however complex, through a range of flexible, modular solutions.We’re investing in more sustainable products, fuels, and services to make greener solutions accessible for our customers, supporting their move to a more sustainable and efficient future.Founded in 1962, we are headquartered in the UK and employ over 6,000 people worldwide.

Aggreko Japan K.K.
Representative : Noriaki Kato
9th Floor, Marunouchi North Exit Building, 1-6-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

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